Landing page copy tips to get you more leads

Did you know that landing page copy is twice as important as design for converting visitors, according to landing page specialists Unbounce?

 A landing page is simply a web page that’s designed to create sales and leads. Whenever you click a product link on social media, in an email or Google ad, there’s a good chance you’ll end up on a landing page. 

You’ll know, because it will – hopefully - have a very clear call to action - known as a CTA -  that’s designed to ‘convert’ you. Like ‘sign up here’, ‘subscribe,’ ‘make an appointment’ or ‘buy now’. The CTA is the most important part of the landing page, which everything else  should steer towards.

 What your customer does on your landing page – so whether they ‘click’ your CTA - is your conversion rate. 

Webpage (left) vs a landing page (right). Note the clear ‘Order Now’ CTA and lack of clutter on the landing page.Image source: Unbounce

Webpage (left) vs a landing page (right). Note the clear ‘Order Now’ CTA and lack of clutter on the landing page.

Image source: Unbounce

Landing page conversions – what works best for different industries?

Now here’s where it gets really interesting. Because Unbounce has unearthed some pretty great stats about what the ‘perfect’ landing page is exactly. By industry, no less.

They analysed over 34,000 landing pages for their Conversion Benchmark report and found the formula for conversion success.

 For instance: 

  • Legal firms need to be professional and positive: Lawyer landing pages are great at converting but copy needs to be kept short and concise. Conversion rates drop as word counts go up. And there’s also a need to be more positive. Legal landing pages had the most anger related wording.

  • Financial services firms need to persuade and promote their expertise: Firms score big conversions in this industry – visitors are keen to share their information. Landing pages with 200 words or less convert best and the vast majority of financial services firms opt to use landing page forms to capture leads and connect with clients.

  • Medical, dental and cosmetic surgery providers can go all-out with medical language: Medical services landing pages actually convert below the average baseline. Conversion rates are highest for landing pages with 250 words or less. And stepping up the lingo and reading level doesn’t necessarily hurt either. We expect to see medical language! Out of all medical services, dentists took the biggest bite of surprise-related language.

 Why does Copy matter so much on a landing page?

You need visitors to have major FOMO if they don’t hit that little convert button. And as the language you use affects emotions - and therefore actions - how you make your visitors feel will influence whether they are persuaded to click that crucial button that says ‘yes, I’m in’. 

How your landing page copy makes your visitor feel is essential to conversion.

How your landing page copy makes your visitor feel is essential to conversion.

Hence why the Unbounce report showed that finance and insurance firms rely on trust-related language in their landing pages.

Remember that the goal of your landing page is to get people to click that sweet CTA. 

Copy Tips for great landing pages that convert

Here are some key questions you need to consider for whatever it is you’re trying to sell or promote on your landing page.

Get all this mapped out first to make sure your landing page delivers: 

  • What are your solutions? What problem is your product or service going to help me to solve? What is it going to do for me? Your customers are buying the results, not the service.

  • What are your benefits? You say your product or service will help me – but what makes it better than others? Why should I choose you, and not someone else? What’s your USP? 

  • What’s in it for me? What do I get if I convert and click your CTA? Do I get a reward – like a free Ebook? Or a free trial? You need to make the ‘prize’ – if there is one - very clear.

  • What do I need to do? Do you want me to to fill in a form? Just give you my email address? You need to tell customers what they need to do to be in your club. 

  • What’s going to make me click? Will I or won’t I press that button that seals the deal? Your CTA language is important! For instance, ‘Sign up Now’ is much more compelling than ‘register here’.

 Best landing page examples

Need some landing page inspo? Check out Unbounce’s list of the best landing pages of 2020 so far. Happy converting!

If you need help to capture more landing page leads, send me an enquiry here.


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