Thinking of hiring a freelance copywriter?


Here are some useful FAQs to help you get started, covering everything you need to know about hiring a freelance copywriter - from whether your business needs one to how much a freelance copywriter costs.

If you’ve got a question that isn’t covered here, no worries - email me at and I’ll do my best to help!

You can also read my regularly updated copywriting blog for copywriting tips and advice.


+ How much does it cost to hire a freelance copywriter in Australia?

My copywriting rate is affordable for businesses of all sizes. I quote based on the time your copywriting will take including research and amends, right up to your sign-off – whether that’s by the hour if it’s a small project or per day.

My clients range from sole traders and small professional firms to manufacturers and retailers in Sydney, New South Wales and across Australia.

Just let me know what you need here and I’ll give you an indication of cost straight away, with absolutely no obligation.


+ Do you do small copywriting jobs?

Yes! I often do copywriting jobs that I charge just an hour or two for. These small per-hour projects are usually things like a quick bit of email copywriting for a sole trader, a few lines of packaging copy, or refreshing and optimising content you already have – for instance I often do quick copywriting jobs for overseas firms who need to tweak directly-translated copy into readable and engaging English.

Drop me a line here if you have a small job and I’ll do my best to help.


+ How do I find a good freelance copywriter in Australia?

The golden copywriting question! If you’re looking for a freelance copywriter in Sydney or Australia then of course Google is a good place to start to get an indication of the expertise that's out there and who might be suited to your business.

Most people who come to me are via word of mouth recommendations. Either from current or past clients or people who know me, how I work and the quality of my copywriting.

My best tip to find a good freelance copywriter and crucially the right one for your business is to find someone who:

a) Knows how to write what you need and has experience in it

From short, snappy and concise copy to long form blog posts or full content website copywriting, find someone who has the expertise and writing ability for what your business needs.

If they have experience and knowledge of your industry then that's a big added bonus, as it means they can hit the ground running for your specific business area. But industry knowledge is not the be-all and end-all, as good copywriters can turn their hand to any topic.

Read my bio page to learn more about my copywriting experience, expertise and some of the sectors I've written for, including IVF, healthcare, legal services, retail and manufacturing.

AND (this is an important one!):

**b) Cares about your business and its success as much as you do. **

For me there’s nothing better than knowing a client is doing well, and that I’ve played some small part in that through the copy I’ve provided. You can see what my copywriting clients say here.


+ Who needs copywriting?

If you have something to say to your customers, in any way shape or form, you need copywriting.

From emails, newsletters and brochures to websites, landing and product pages, social media and more, if there are words on screen or in print, I make sure they’re being read by the people who matter the most. Read more about my copywriting services here and how I can help you.


+ Why should I hire a freelance copywriter?

Good quality copywriting can make all the difference when it comes to attracting, converting and retaining customers.

Some good reasons to hire a freelance copywriter include:

  • You don’t have the in-house copywriting resource or skills to create your content
  • You find it difficult to write about yourself
  • You want a fresh pair of eyes on what’s going out there
  • Your content isn’t engaging your customers
  • You need some fresh content – I not only write my clients' blog posts, I come up with the blog ideas too!

Read here: Why Hire A Copywriter? to see how the right copy is critical to your business.


+ I need some quick copywriting - can you help with urgent content?

Yes, I often get urgent and last minute copywriting requests. Email me at or fill in the online enquiry form here and I'll let you know ASAP if I can fit you in.


+ Can you provide website copy, blogs & copywriting to companies outside of Australia?

Yes! I can help you no matter where you are based. The only consideration is the time difference. I have many years of experience working with clients in different time zones including Europe, Asia-Pacific, and New Zealand.

This has its advantages as depending on where you are in the world, I can be working on your copy overnight so it's ready for you as soon as possible. Just get in touch with me here or email me at and I'll let you know how we can work together.


+ Why does my business need a copywriter when I can use a free AI copywriting service like ChatGPT?

This is a very common FAQ now that AI-generated tools are here! It just so happens I asked ChatGPT this very question - check out its responses and my interview with ChatGPT in full: I Interviewed ChatGPT About Why It Can't Replace a Copywriter - And What it Thinks of Elon Musk


+ I need a freelance copywriter in Australia – how do I get started with you?

It’s easy and simple to enquire about my copywriting services.

Send me an online enquiry and I’ll be in touch. You can also learn more about my copywriting process and how it works here.

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