Why Hire a Copywriter?

Picture this: You’ve spent serious $ on a new website design.

Even more $$$ on a flashy deck from a branding agency.

You have your logo, TOV, wireframes, and a graphic designer lined up to sort a brochure.

All that’s missing is the copy to bring it all together.

So - what’s your plan?

A: DIY-it? (you know your business best, after all!)

B: Let your branding agency do it? (they’re brand experts, so surely they can do your copy?)

C: Get your web designer to add some words? (they’re doing the design, so might as well?!)


D: Hire a professional copywriter.

 The right answer, of course, is D. And this is why:

If the words don’t work on that shiny new website and glossy new brochure,

then all the $$$ and time you’ve invested is wasted.

Your website won’t engage, convert, and build trust – no matter how easy it is to use.

Your brochure won’t be read – no matter how good it looks.

Because it’s the words that make people decide to do business with you.

What you say and how you say it is the difference between customers choosing you – or a competitor. Copy seals the deal.

 Still not convinced?

Here’s what copywriting actually involves (it’s more than you think). And top 5 reasons why hiring a freelance copywriter like me is critical in the age of 24/7 bombardment.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting (or content writing if you prefer, in my world they’re both the same thing) is not just about nicely-worded paragraphs on paper and screen. It’s about making sure those words resonate and position you so effectively that readers do something.

That ‘something’ could be immediate actions such as:

  • Clicking on a Contact Us button

  • Enquiring about your services

  • Buying a product

Or, that ‘something’ can also be less immediate builder actions that help build trust and loyalty over time. Although subtle, builder actions make you #1 when a customer IS ready to buy or enquire:

  • Reading or sharing a blog

  • Signing up for your newsletter

  • Downloading a brochure/resource

 Bottom line? Copywriting is the strongest, most powerful tool you have to build connections, inspire action, and drive sales and enquiries. You cannot afford to get it wrong.

Types of Copywriting

So now you know the importance of copywriting, let’s explore some common types of copywriting services that your business needs. Each serves a unique purpose in a cohesive marketing strategy, helping you to connect with your audience and achieve your goals:

Website Copywriting

Website showing copywriting

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Your website is usually the first impression potential clients and customers have of your brand or business - and you only have seconds to make it count.

Website copywriting creates engaging content for every page, from your Homepage and About to your Services and product descriptions.

When I write your website copy, my goal is to bring in web traffic through SEO, engage visitors once they’re on your site so they stay and explore, convey your brand or business USPs, and drive conversions through clear, guided and compelling call-to-actions (don’t underestimate the power of great CTAs – one company increased conversions by 111% just by tweaking their Homepage CTA).

In short, I make sure your website copy works harder and smarter and gets results.

Blog Copywriting

Image of a website showing blog copywriting

Did you know companies that blog get 67% more leads every month than those who don’t?

Blogs are a brilliant opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience at the same time.

Effective blog copywriting goes beyond just sharing information; it provides value and addresses your clients' pain points and questions about your products or services. With the right blend of storytelling and SEO, blogs drive traffic, build trust, and position your firm as a thought leader.

Social Media Copywriting

Social media is where great conversations happen; your brand or business must take part.

Social media copywriting is about creating concise, scroll-stopping posts that grab attention and encourage interaction.

It might be a snappy tweet (X post, sorry, Elon!) or a thought-provoking Instagram caption, but solid social media copy can help foster community, build trust, and bring people to your website where you can clinch enquiries and sales.

When investing in social media, don’t forget that it’s not a one-way street. You must be on the ball and respond swiftly (in an on-brand way!) to follower comments and messages, or trust can easily be lost.

Email Copywriting

Image of email showing email copywriting

Email copywriting focuses on creating compelling subject lines (the shorter, the better – we all read emails on our phones!) and persuasive body content that inspires action.

Whether you want to launch a new service, share a success story, or invite people to an event, compelling email copy can nurture leads and convert them into customers.

The trick, as I’ve said, is to keep it short. People don’t read lengthy emails; they skim the intro at most because we’re sent tons of emails every day. With emails, I like to get to the point fast, so people know that YES, this email is worth their time.

Promotional Copywriting

image showing target and brochure copy

Brochures, leaflets, and flyers remain the go-to leave-behind tools for promoting products and services.

This type of copywriting needs to be persuasive and visually appealing, highlighting the key features and benefits in a way that resonates.

Depending on your audience, that might be achieved through short-and-snappy copy or more in-depth text. Remember – the goal is to get people to read what you’ve produced, not just create something that looks good or ticks a marketing box.

When done right, promotional copy can spark interest and drive sales, making it a crucial part of your marketing strategy.

Informational Copywriting

Informational copywriting is about simplifying the complex, taking technical subjects and making them accessible and understandable to your audience.

Reports, manuals, and topical white papers all fall under the banner of informational copywriting, ensuring clients understand the value of what you offer and how you can solve their problems while building trust and credibility.

Direct Response Copywriting

If you want immediate action, direct response copywriting is the answer.

This type of copy is designed to make things happen.

Often seen in sales letters or landing pages, direct response copywriting emphasises benefits and urgency, encouraging readers to act now or risk FOMO - whether purchasing or signing up for a webinar.

Advert Copywriting

I love adverts – I was an avid watcher of TV commercials as a kid, so who knows, maybe that’s where my love of copywriting first started!

Advert copywriting is about attracting attention, raising brand awareness, and driving sales. The best ads are the ones that resonate and stick – whether that’s through a brand tagline, catchy jingle, or a funny and clever play on words.

One of my favourite advert copywriting projects was for Baby HQ, which involved giant billboards for their new baby store in Brisbane. As a mum of four, I knew exactly how to attract the attention of new parents! See what I came up with here.

Product/Services Copywriting

Product or services copywriting isn’t actually about the product or service at all – it’s about the benefits and results - that’s why they’re buying or signing up!

Whenever I write about a service or product description, I put myself in the clients’ shoes. What’s in it for them? What problem will this solve?

For example, when I describe dispute resolution services for a law firm, I focus on what clients care about: A quick resolution to a high-stakes situation that protects their interests and avoids costly litigation - so they can get back to business. Not the ins and outs of the dispute process (those details are good for an FAQ!) 

PR & Press Release Copywriting

PR copywriting is a particular skill. It involves making your business newsworthy in the eyes of the target media you want to be in.

I’m talking about an unignorable news hook headline, intro, quotes - the works. Not all copywriters understand the intricacies of writing press releases or have PR experience.

I studied journalism at Uni and spent over a decade with one of the UK’s top PR agencies. Writing press releases and devising creative PR campaigns is second nature.

5 Brilliant Reasons to Hire a Copywriter

So now you know about some of the different types of copywriting businesses need; what’s in it for you when you hire a professional freelance copywriter like me? Here are the main obvious (and less obvious!) benefits:

1. Improved Copy and Content

Better copy is the whole point of hiring a professional copywriter!

 When I say ‘better’ copy, I mean copy that: 

✅ Resonates quickly with your clients and customers – they can see you ‘get’ their needs and pain points.

✅ Makes it easy for clients and customers to immediately understand who you are, what you do, and why they should choose or buy from you – the copy ‘speaks’ to your audience in their language.

✅ Makes you the number one choice for whatever they’re looking for - a product or service – with clear call to actions

✅ Makes you a credible and trusted source of information or help – someone they will keep coming back to

✅ Is written in line with your brand tone of voice and the brand image you want to project - ensuring consistency across all your communications.

 And the result of all this ‘better’ copy? More client leads, sales, and loyal customers.

2. All Your Copy Needs Sorted

Do you need to hire different copywriters if you want all the types of copywriting I listed earlier for your business? No! A professional copywriter (if they’re good!) should be able to write all forms of content and copy for different audiences.

Having worked in PR, I spent years writing for various clients and industries across all copy formats – press releases, newsletters, brochures, websites, product write-ups, and more. You don’t need to go anywhere else when you work with me. I will deliver all the copy you need across the business, ensuring cohesive, on-brand messaging and tone of voice no matter how a client or customer finds you.

3. Gaining A New Perspective

There’s nothing worse than trying to write the copy for your own business. It’s so hard (and it’s not a good idea, either – see my blog here for reasons why).

But it’s not your fault. As a business owner, you’re often so close to your work that it’s hard to see it objectively from a client’s perspective. Or you might be so caught up in industry terms that explaining things simply is difficult. This is when a new set of eyes belonging to a professional copywriter is invaluable.

I help many clients see their business, services, and products from a whole new perspective, bringing fresh insights and clarity into what matters to their clients and customers – and how their offer can solve their problems.

4. More Time for Important Business Stuff

Do you have the time to invest in sorting your copy within the business? If it’s not something you’re skilled at or have the internal resources for, crafting compelling copy is best left to a professional.

Hiring a copywriter frees you to focus on the critical stuff to grow your business – your core business operations, strategy, and customer relationships – with the knowledge that your finished copy will be polished and on point.

 5. Nailing Your Brand Story

We love a good brand story – think of Apple’s humble beginnings in the 1970s when Steve Jobs built his first computers in his garage. Storytelling engages audiences and creates emotional connections, forging a lasting brand identity and making your brand relatable. A good copywriter will craft compelling narratives highlighting your brand’s unique story, values, and mission, setting you apart from competitors.

And if you’re not sure what your ‘story’ is? Again, that’s where a professional copywriter is invaluable – especially one like me who has years of experience weeding out what’s ‘news’ from brands, businesses, and corporations like banks, lawyers, and manufacturers.

The Top Takeaway

 The conclusion to the question we started with: Why Hire a Copywriter?

 Your business needs great copy. It’s not a ‘nice to have’ – it’s a necessity.

 Think about it this way: A word-of-mouth referral (which I know many businesses and especially professional firms rely on) will only get you so far.

Where are those leads going once they have your name?

Your website. And your brochure.

If those are poorly written? (and with no strategy either - see why a copywriting strategy is critical here!)

Bye bye, customer.

Don’t let that happen. You know what to do. 👇🏻

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