The Secret to Great Copywriting: K.I.S.S.

The Secret to Great Copywriting: K.I.S.S.

Confession time - I’ve been microneedling my face (yes, I’m getting old and desperate). What does this have to do with great copywriting?

It’s all down to K.I.S.S.

Allow me to explain. Microneedling makes your face RED.

I’m not talking Bridgerton-style blushing. I’m talking your-face-looks-like-a-tomato red.

You have to trust the process (honestly) because it’s pretty scary. You definitely DON’T go out in public until it’s calmed down.

The ‘Argh’ Moment

Now picture this: I’ve just finished microneedling. And my daughter’s new friend unexpectedly turns up. I’m expected, of course, to say ‘hi’ - it’s good manners, and he’s come a long way.

But my face is literally on fire. And very, very, very red. The convo initially went something like this:

“Hi! Lovely to meet you!” (hugs) “Sorry I look this way, I’ve just done microneedling.”

“What? What’s that?”

Oh dear. Now, at this point, I could have rattled on about the special pen device, how microneedling creates micro channels in the skin, initiating trauma to stimulate fibroblasts, which help to increase collagen, elastin, etc etc (yes, I’ve done my research!).

But given the blank (and horrified) look on his face, I decided it would be far better to K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

So I said this:

“Well, it’s a bit like a tattoo pen. Lots of needles…it makes your skin go ‘oh shit’ and heal itself, so eventually I look younger - I hope.”

“Oh wow, looks painful.”

He’s not wrong.

But it did make me think. Sometimes it pays to K.I.S.S - especially when it comes to copywriting. Here’s why.

The Copywriting Power of K.I.S.S

Keeping it simple can be a game-changer because it gets the message across fast.

Many businesses fall into the trap of overcomplicating their copy with jargon, technical language, or excessive details.

But people don’t have time to decode complex messages, especially when they’re bombarded with content all day long.

They want to get the gist quickly and decide if it’s worth their time.

This is where K.I.S.S wins.

Speak the way your customers do

My number one rule for K.I.S.S? Know your audience. As there are times when K.I.S.S isn’t the right strategy. It all depends on who you’re talking to.

That’s why I start every copywriting project by putting myself in the customers’ shoes. Their pain points, their issues, and what they want and need. Great copy meets your audience where they are, using words and phrases they’d actually use in everyday conversation.

Like in my tricky (and embarrassing) situation. Imagine trying to explain microneedling to someone who’s never heard of it? You wouldn’t bombard them with the technicalities - you’d break it down in a way that makes sense to them, as I did.

Don’t Assume They Know

Another thumbs-up for K.I.S.S is ensuring clarity. For example, in the world of lawyers and other professional services, there’s often an overload of acronyms and insider language. You completely get it - but all your audience gets is confused and frustrated. And there’s no quicker turn-off than that.

So keep things digestible, with simple explanations where necessary, and always err on the side of clarity - no one will complain that your copy is too easy to understand, but they will if it’s too hard.

The ‘Pub’ Test

One of the best ways to ensure you’re keeping things simple is to test your copy on someone who’s unfamiliar with your industry.

If they can understand it and summarise it back to you easily, you’re onto a winner. Or do what I call the ‘pub test’.

Imagine explaining your message, product, or service to a friend in the pub - how would you do it?

I bet you automatically K.I.S.S.

The Bottom Line: Connection, Not Complexity

Good copy isn’t about how much you know. It’s about making your message accessible, relatable, and easy to understand.

By tailoring your words to your audience, you create a connection, and that builds trust.

And trust is what turns readers into customers.

So, when in doubt, K.I.S.S. Your audience will love you for it.

Don’t struggle with complex copy - send it to me! Contact me for a no-obligation copywriting quote.

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