Website copywriting: Latest projects

Manchester Fertility

I’m currently supporting one of my long-term clients, Manchester Fertility, with the launch of a brand-new website.

I’ve been working with the clinic for over 10 years, writing all content for the existing website, together with weekly blogs, social media, marketing materials, brochures and patient leaflets, for a consistent tone of voice that’s friendly, informative and trusted.

It’s really exciting to be involved in their journey as they continue to evolve and grow, from originally a small, Manchester-based unit into a leading UK fertility clinic that puts their patients at the heart of everything they do.

For the new site, I’ve taken a completely new look at the clinic, approaching it with fresh eyes from all the different patient perspectives, creating content that’s inspiring, fresh, engaging and easy-to-share. Whilst still being sensitive, personal and relevant for those with fertility issues.

The new site features useful guides and tips on everything to do with fertility and its treatments, focused on the different patients they support. Resources include:

  • Guide for single women - having a baby on your own

  • Guide for same sex couples - having a baby with the help of a sperm donor

  • Guide for older women - having a baby later in life & your options including donor eggs

  • Guide for men - getting help for male infertility and treatments to help you become a father

You can take a look at the site here!

Ashton development, Mosman

I’ve also recently completed a launch website for Mosman’s newest development, Ashton. Working with the project’s developers and architects, I drafted content to promote the boutique apartments online, as part of a brief which also included redrafting the marketing sales brochure.

It was an absolute privilege to work on something so prestigious in a village I know well. Mosman is only a short drive from my home, it’s a real cultural gem close to Sydney Harbour, and I’m really proud to be supporting its growth and development. Take a look at my portfolio to find out more about this particular project.

If you need a website copywriter, get in touch and let me know how I can help. 

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