New website copywriting project: IVF clinic & fertility

It’s so important that people with infertility who are looking into IVF get all the information they need - and feel informed and supported.

Patient need was firmly front of mind when I helped UK-based fertility clinic, Manchester Fertility, with the launch of their brand new website.

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Having worked with the clinic for over 10 years, I know their business and patient profiles inside out. But a fresh pair of eyes was still needed when writing the new site, to ensure it reflected the changing ways that people are researching fertility treatment - and what they’re looking for.

The project involved writing the key landing pages and in-depth fertility guides, and uploading the content once approved directly into the clinic’s custom CMS.


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It’s not just about saying you offer IVF anymore. IVF clinic competition is massive in the UK, especially in Manchester Fertility’s region of the North West of England, where there are multiple clinics to choose from.

It’s about highlighting the USPs and services, all the great things that make Manchester Fertility unique, but in a patient-friendly, easy-to-understand way.

Such as exceptional support, personalised care, tailored IVF treatments, consistent success rates, comprehensive patient services and that reassuring ‘gut feel’ that people say they get when they walk in.

It’s about enhancing the patient experience online even when they’re at the earliest research stage, not about a ‘sales pitch’ - which is the last thing anyone with fertility issues needs.

And it’s also about knowledge. People with fertility issues are information hungry. They turn to the internet for advice, tips, and guidance through the rollercoaster of treatment. Which is why the site also includes useful and valuable content like easy guides to IVF, how embryos grow and what happens at embryo transfer. And specific guides for the different patient profiles that Manchester Fertility supports. Including single women, older women, men with fertility problems, and LGBT couples.


Web visitors for launch month were almost double that of the previous year. This may be down to more people looking into treatment, but having a clear, concise, and informative patient-friendly website will only help when it comes to that all-important ‘which clinic’ decision.

If you’re looking for an IVF and fertility copywriter in Australia or a website copywriter, get in touch with me.

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